Monday, March 4, 2013

My favorite blessing in the bible!

Numbers 6:24-26

The Lord bless you and keep you;

 Paul Vo
the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;

the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.

Bible Gateway link


  1. Thanks Kim, I love it!
    It is one of my favorites too!
    We just had a CBS Couples dinner
    for all our leaders & their spouses. Jerry
    gave a short talk on marriage and he had each couple repeat that same blessings to one another.Very powerful.
    Blessings on you! Holly

  2. I heard it in a Cd version of "Out of Egypt", a novel about the infancy of Jesus. It was supposed to be known by the infant Jesus as he left with his family on their more than one passover journeys from Galilee to Jerusalem. A farewell blessing from relatives and friends to the travelers.

  3. A blessing for both Christians and Jews. They have much in common.

  4. Mine too. My SFAustin High Choir used to close all our performances with our Alma Mater and the musical version of this and a seven fold Amen. Times have changed.

  5. Our church says this blessing over each other at the end and close of every service. It is one of my favorite blessings too. Thank you for sharing.
